
All manuscripts must be submitted online at JETI Website

  • Format
    • Have you gone over the journal's website to see if there are any specific formatting criteria for submission?
    • Is the entire text double-spaced, including quotations, references, and figure captions? Is the manuscript well-organized?
    • Are there at least 1-inch (2.54 cm) margins?
    • Is the order of the manuscript elements consistent, with the text pages placed between the abstract and the references?
    • Is the numbering of the pages in order, commencing with the title page?
  • Title Page and Abstract
    • Is the title a maximum of 15 words?
    • Is the article title, author names, affiliations, corresponding author's contact information, abstract, and keywords included on the title page?
    • Is the abstract between 150 and 200 words in length?
    • Are there three to six keywords listed alphabetically?
  • Paragraphs and Headings
    • Is each paragraph longer than a single phrase but not more than one page of a manuscript?
    • Do all headings at the same level have the same appearance?
  • Abbreviations
    • Are there any needless abbreviations removed, and those that are required are explained?
    • Are the figure and table abbreviations are explained in the table comments, figure captions, or legends?
  • Mathematics and Statistics
    • Is it possible to identify Greek letters and all except the most basic mathematical symbols on the manuscript?
    • Is it the case that all non-Greek letters used as statistical symbols for algebraic variables are italicized?
  • Units of Measurement
    • Is it possible to get metric equivalents for all non-metric units?
    • Is the numeric value of all metric and non-metric units abbreviated?
  • References
    • Is it possible to cite references both in the text and in the reference list?
    • Do the citations in the text and the entries in the reference list have the same spelling and date?
    • Is there a reference list that includes page numbers for all articles or chapters in books?
  • Figures and Tables
    • Is there a heading for every table column, including the stub column?
    • Does all vertical table rules have been omitted?
    • Is every table mentioned in the text?
    • Are the elements in the figures large enough to read once they've been shrunk down to the width of a journal column or page?
    • Are the figures given in a file format that the publisher will accept?
    • Is the figure created at a sufficiently high resolution to provide a high-qualityimage?
    • Are all the figures numbered in Arabic numerals in order?
    • Are all figures and tables numbered in the order in which they are mentioned in the text?
  • Copyright and Quotations
    • Is there written permission to utilize previously published material, tests, tables, or figures included with the manuscript?
  • Submitting the Manuscript
    • Is the manuscript accompanied by a cover letter?
    • Is the author's postal address, e-mail address, phone number, and fax number included in the letter for future correspondence?
    • Declare that the manuscript is unique, has never been published before, and is not being considered by anybody else?
    • Notify the journal editor if the author has written any other articles that have been published?
    • Describe any additional materials you're sending for the online version of your article
Journal Emerging Technology Innovations
  • Certified
  • Articles for citation
  • Verified by experts
  • Open Access Resources