Manuscript Preparation

Manuscripts should be submitted in the Microsoft Word 2003 or higher file format. Manuscripts should be formatted in A4 size, double-spaced, with 2.5 cm margins on each side and 3 cm on the upper and lower ends, using a font size of 10 or bigger. Beginning with the title page, number the pages sequentially. Each page should have a page number situated in the middle of the bottom of each page.

Full-length articles have no set length; however, they must rarely surpass 30 double-spaced typewritten pages (or 10,000 words) on an A4 size paper with figures and tables. Short communications have page limits of 4 printed pages (or 4,000 words). The following sections outline the layout and format for full-length and short articles.

Title Page:

The complete title of the article, the authors' names, positions, affiliations, and footnotes should all be included on the title page. The paper's main aims should be highlighted in the title. To aid indexing and avoid ambiguity, authors' names should be written consistently and preferably in a common format for all publications. If some of the writers have distinct affiliations, use numbers as superscripts 1, 2, 3... after the authors' surnames and before the affiliations' names. After the name of the corresponding author, use a dagger (†). If two or more co-authors are of equal standing, an asterisk (*) should be used with the caption 'These authors contributed equally to this work.' The contact information for correspondence should include the e-mail address, telephone, fax and DOI numbers.

Abstract and Keywords:

In no more than 200 words, the abstract should outline the aims and convey key conclusions. It must consist of a clear and brief overview that includes the scope and purpose, techniques or procedures, noteworthy new findings, and conclusions. The abstract should be one paragraph long. Keywords should be supplied in 3 to 6 words or phrases at the end of abstract.


The introduction of the article should be written for the general reader of the journal, rather than for the specialist. This part should cover the background and objectives, as well as any noteworthy previous work.

Experimental Section:

Experimental procedures should be included in the study paper (or materials andmethods). The experimental section should detail the techniques used in the investigation while also laying out the study's protocol. This section should provide the manufacturer, model number, and sensitivity of any monitoring equipment or substances. Any statistical tests should be detailed and backed up by a reference to the test's original citation, if applicable

Result and Discussion:

Results and discussion section may be consolidated into one. Results in research articles should be the description of what was found with appropriate numerical support. If a study has several steps,the authors may find it more practical to divide their content into subheadings. The author of a review paper may choose the format that best suits the paper. Details that are not crucial to the creation of the review and are readily available in previously published papers or accessible reports should be left out of the writing. By putting relevant titles, the text should be divided into sections.


The conclusions section of the paper should emphasize major findings and compare them to relevant findings from other studies. The evidence offered in the results and discussion section should be used to draw conclusions.


Acknowledgement section is situated after the Conclusions section. If necessary, it would be best to include financing details by including specific grant numbers and titles at the time of application.

Conflict-of-Interest Statement:

Conflicts of interest should be disclosed in the manuscript if they exist. When an author(or the author's institution or company) has financial or personal links or affiliations that potentially affect(or prejudice) the author's decisions, work, or manuscript, a conflict of interest may occur. On the cover letter and the last page of the manuscript, all authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, including particular financial interests relevant to the subject of their research. The writers will also be required to complete and submit the Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Form. Please add the following disclosure in the manuscript if there is no conflict of interest: There are no conflicts of interest declared by the authors.

Author Contributions:

Each author's contribution to the publication should be stated in a single phrase, along with the author's title or status: for example, G.D.H. (Ph.D. student) carried out all the experiments.


Symbols that appear in the text or in equations should be collected and listed in a table of nomenclature with definitions and dimensions near the end of the work before the references section. The Roman symbols should be placed first in the table, followed by the Greek symbols in alphabetical order


References should be listed in a separate double-spaced list and numbered consecutively in order of first appearance in the text. Numbers in square brackets should be used to identify reference citations in the text. Here are several examples:

  • Synthetic dyes are known to be carcinogenic, and although standards have been developed,the regulations of its discharge to the environment are seldom being monitored and implemented strictly, especially in developing countries [1].
  • The use of synthetic dyes is an inevitable part of society’s progress resulting in a massive industry with an annual production of about 7 x 105 tons per year [1, 2]
  • It is known to have several harmful effects to man including increased heart rate, vomiting, shock, Heinz body formation, cyanosis, jaundice, quadriplegia, and tissue necrosis [5-7].

Only works that have been published or accepted for publication should be included in the list of references. Only discuss personal communications and unpublished works in the text. If there are six or fewer authors, please list them all. All works and publications for JETI follow the IEEE reference/citation format. The following references shown below are examples of references using IEEE reference/citation format:

  1. Kant, R. Textile dyeing industry an environmental hazard. Nat. Sci. 2012; 4: 22-26.
  2. Choi HJ, Yu SW. Biosorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution by agricultural bioadsorbent corncob. Environ. Eng. Res. 2019;24:99-106.
  3. Tezcan, U, Ates F. Low-cost adsorbent prepared from poplar sawdust for removal of disperseorange 30 dye from aqueous solutions. Int. J Environ. Sci. Technol. 2018;16:899-908.
  4. Mohammadi A, Alinejad A, Kamarehie B, Javan S, Ghaderpoury A, Ahmadpour M. Metal-organicframework Uio-66 for adsorption of methylene blue dye from aqueous solutions. Int. J. Environ.Sci.Technol. 2017;14:1959-1968.
  5. Sharma P, Kaur R, Baskar C, Chung WJ. Removal of methylene blue fromaqueous wasteusingrice husk and rice husk ash. Desalination 2010;259:249-257.
  6. Wang L, Wu XL, Xu WH, Huang XJ, Liu JH, Xu AW. Stable organic-inorganichybridofpolyaniline/alpha-zirconium phosphate for efficient removal of organic pollutantsinwaterenvironment. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2012;4:2686-2692.
  7. Khodaie M, Ghasemi N, Moradi B, Rahimi M. Removal of methylene blue fromwastewaterbyadsorption onto ZnCl2 activated corn husk carbon equilibrium studies. J. Chem. 2013;383985:1-6.
Figures and Tables:

Each manuscript is limited to ten (10) figures and/or tables in total. Supplementary materials such as additional display pieces can be found online. Figures and tables (both in Arabic numbers)should be created separately or at the end of the manuscript. Place a period at the end of captions for figures and do not put a period at the end of captions for tables. Only good drawings and original images can be used to reproduce figures; negatives or photocopies are not acceptable. It should be large enough that the smallest letter after photo-reduction to a single column width (8 cm) is 2 mm. Legends should be placed in the drawing's white space rather than the caption. Photographs maybe accepted for a fee if they are required for the paper. If the abscissas of two or three figures in a stack are the same, utilize only one abscissa with different ordinates. If you're going to showa 'pie' or 'bar' chart, instead of using color, use patterns for the different pie slices or bars.

Supplementary Materials: Supporting data can be published online and made available to peers and readers for examination. Use a consistent data format to make it easier for readers to understand. Files containing supplemental data should not exceed 10 MB in size. Please notify the editing office in advance if they are too large.

Supplementary materials should have their own numbering system and be correctly labeled, such as Figure S1, Table S1, and so on. Separate video and audio files should be provided, each with a title. Atleast once throughout the paper, at an acceptable time in the text, they should be mentioned.

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