Publication Types, Qualifications for Authors

Listed are the five types of manuscripts accepted and published in this journal:

  • Editorials
  • Review Articles
  • Research Articles
  • Short Communications
  • Letters to the Editor


These will be written on themes deemed essential by the journal's editorial board and will be authored by invitation only.

Review Articles

Authoritative reviews will be published both from invited specialists and directly from the public.The work will be subjected to editorial assessment in both circumstances. The review article should include critical reviews of significant areas of environmental engineering to provide background, state-of-the-art, and outstanding research problems to the general reader.

Research Articles

After peer review, original discoveries relevant to the journal's focus will be published. Full-length research papers should present significant new experimental or theoretical findings as well as their consequences.

Short Communications

Short communications are brief reports that develop the essence of a novel experimental or theoretical notion, present fresh experimental results, comment on a prior journal article, or describe a piece of work that is not sufficiently thorough to warrant a full article.

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor can be written on any topic that the journal's readers are interested in. Prior to publishing, letters commenting on previously published papers are usually sent to the authors of the preceding publication for a possible response.

Journal Emerging Technology Innovations
  • Certified
  • Articles for citation
  • Verified by experts
  • Open Access Resources